The Coastal Discovery Museum will host Blooms of the Lowcountry on February 28 at 3 pm. This overview of some of the blooming trees, shrubs, vines and grasses that are common in the Lowcountry will be presented by Carol Clemens. The presentation includes both native and non-native blooms. Come learn about Beauty Berry, Jessamine, Wisteria, Resurrection Fern, palmettos and many others.
Clemens is a retired teacher that has been involved in birding and photographing as a hobby since retiring. She is a Lowcountry Master Naturalist, active in Audubon, a docent for the Coastal Discovery Museum, an interpreter at Volunteers in Medicine, teaches genealogy programs at the Heritage Library, and is a tutor at the Boys and Girls Club.
The cost of the program is $7 per person and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223. The Museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island.