“Conversation” with a Civil War Soldier, A First Person account from the 26th SC Regiment
Join us at the Coastal Discovery Museum on January 23 at 3 pm for this first-hand experience with Steve Quick. Who were the simple farmers, underequipped, underfed and overstretched who wore the gray and held off the world’s mightiest military for four years? They were men like 27 year old Stephen Quick who joined his brother at Petersburg after a middle brother was killed defending Charleston. Twice wounded and paroled at Appomattox he returned home to SC to find the life he’d built destroyed in the tornado of Sherman’s March. Join us to “meet” Stephen as he is depicted by his ancestor (great-great-great- grandson). Steve Quick reconstructed his family history and has augmented it with extensive source details. Quick shares his story in the plain spoken unvarnished narrative of his ancestor for groups of all ages. Step back in time to learn about a soldier’s first-hand experience.
Cost is $7 per person and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223. The Museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island.
Coastal Discovery Museum