Hilton Head ~ Historic Bike Tour

Event Details

Family-oriented bike tours of historic sites on Squire Pope Road. Hear the story of the Fishing Co-op and their victory over the development of a chemical plant on Victoria Bluff. See a Gullah Cemetery and an ancient Shell Ring, the Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island, and see the tabby ruins of Cotton Hope Plantation–all with a knowledgeable tour guide. This tour is 2.8 miles in length. Bike & Helmet Included!
No children under 10, please.
Tours cancelled and refunded on rain days. Your tour guide will make that determination at the park at the time of departure.
Helmets and bike waivers are required. Click here for a copy of the bike waiver.
Wed, September 12, 2018
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Rowing and Sailing Center at Squire Pope Community Park
137 Squire Pope Road
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926