Lowcountry Mushrooms
The Coastal Discovery Museum will host Roberto Rodriguez on November 18 at 2 pm for this program as part of the Fall Discovery Lecture Series. Come and learn from local mushroom hunter Rodriquez. The presentation will cover the most common edible and medicinal mushrooms found in the Lowcountry, as well as how to find them and identify them and how to process/prepare the mushrooms for consumption. The Lowcountry is a great location for mushroom hunting. Rodriquez has a Wild Mushroom Safety Certification from Mushroom Mountain. He grew up in Argentina and Uruguay and moved to the US in 1999.
Cost of the program is $7 per person for in-person, and $5 per household for virtual viewing. Reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 224 or online at www.coastaldiscovery.org under Fall Discovery Lectures.
The Museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head.