Hilton Head ~ The Great Race 1565, France vs Spain

Event Details

The Great Race – 1565, France versus Spain or Spain versus France

The Coastal Discovery Museum will host Doug Nelson and Howard Heckrotte on December 9 for this program.  In 1565 both France and Spain set out for Florida to establish ownership not only of the Florida peninsula, but the whole of perceived North America.  Both countries were driven by rampant greed and lust for new lands and also gold, silver, slaves, and anything else of perceived value.  This talk is about a “great race.”  It will cover the different routes taken by the protagonists (Jean Ribaut for France and the great Pedro Menendez De Aviles for Spain.)  We have the start/arrive dates for each from correspondence which still exists.  So how do we put forward positions of ships at different dates in voyage?
The cost for the program is $7 in person and $5 for virtual viewing.  Reservations are required and may be made by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223.
The museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island.