The Nautical Origin of Everyday Phrases
The Coastal Discovery Museum will host Captain Tom Anderson on March 22 at 2
pm for this in-person and virtual program. Many common phrases have their
origins in nautical history and tradition. Colorful expressions such as “fly by night”,
“chew the fat”, “as the crow flies”, “spic and span”, “let the cat out of the bag”, and
“the whole nine yards” provide an interesting historical insight into seafaring life.
Capt. Anderson spent most of his professional career on, around, or under sea. His
naval assignments took him to many exotic destinations; where he had the
opportunity to closely observe and study unique features of the maritime world.
Now that he has retired, he spends his time researching, writing, and speaking
about maritime topics.
Cost of the program in-person is $7 and $5 for virtual viewing. Reservations are
required and may be made by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223. The museum is
located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island.