Okatie ~ Celebrate Port Royal Sound Maritime Center’s 2nd Birthday
The Maritime Center is celebrating its second year with a day full of FREE fun activities and special guests. Over 30 vendors including art, live animals, demonstrations, boating and more!! Join the Maritime Center for their special day which will feature a party for all ages that is full of fun activities, fantastic food, and friendly visitors of both the two-legged and four-legged variety — and some with no legs at all!
Food will be available for purchase.
Some participants include:
Audubon Society
Beaufort Art Council
Beaufort County Open Land Trust
Clemson Extension
Coastal Conservation League
Coastal Discovery Museum
Coast Guard Auxillary
Dragonboat Beaufort
Fripp Island
Gullah Sweet Grass Basket Creations
Hilton Head Boathouse
Lowcountry Estuarium
Marshgrass Adventures
Master Naturalists
Outside Hilton Head
Sea Island Divers
YMCA Boating
For more information on this event, a complete list of educational programs, events and fundraisers please visit www.portroyalsoundfoundation.org.