Ridgeland ~ History of the Lowcountry Marsh Tacky at Morris Center

Event Details

Take a special close look at the Lowcountry’s very own Marsh Tacky horses. Learn about the one plentiful Marsh Tackies in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, which are now endangered with only 300 documented Marsh Tackies in existence. Individual owners and enthusiasts are diligently working to save the Marsh Tacky and to preserve the history of the breed.
Erica Marie Veit brings the history of these astounding creatures and is the founder of the Daufuskie Marsh Tacky Society. Guests will have the opportunity to view the horses up close with a private showing of the breed by Erica Veit.
Suggested donation of $10, members get in free!
For more information visit www.morrisheritagecenter.org