Ridgeland ~ Teddy Bear Tea with Santa

Event Details

Teddy Bear Tea with Santa
Join the Morris Center for its 2nd Annual Teddy Bear Tea with special guests Beaufort author Kim Poovey and a special appearance by Santa Claus! Bring your favorite teddy or stuffed animal friend and enjoy tea or hot chocolate and cookies.
“I Walked in Santa’s Boots”, the true stories of Santa’s visits to Beaufort and the Lowcountry over a quarter century, will be available for purchase at the event and signed by Santa Claus himself!
Kim Poovey will perform Christmas traditions in a first person account by the main character of her first novel. She will share 19th century origins of Christmas traditions which she experienced and their influence on today’s celebrations. Her heart-warming Christmas stories will delight and envelope audience members in the warmth of the season.
Tickets are available for $7, but keeping in the Christmas spirit, anyone who brings a donation for the Toys for Tots Foundation will be given a $2 discount. Your help will directly impact the children of our community and ensure their Christmas is one to remember.
Click the link to register: www.morrisheritagecenter.org/events/teddy-tea-with-santa