Virtual ~ Lowcountry Snakes

Event Details

Lowcountry Snakes

The Coastal Discovery Museum will host Lowcountry Snakes on November 9 at 2 pm with Andrew Grosse.  There are 38 species of snakes in South Carolina with the vast majority of species being nonvenomous.  Grosse will briefly describe the differences between venomous and nonvenomous species and provide tips on how to identify some of the more commonly observed species in South Carolina.
Grosse is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and works as the state Reptile and Amphibian Coordinator for the SCDNR.
This program will be viewed as a virtual program only, $5 per household, and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223 or
The museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island.