Hilton Head ~ Mushroom Adventures

Event Details

Blewits, Humpbacks, Bird’s Nests, and other Mushroom Adventures

The Coastal Discovery Museum will host this program on October 20 at 2 pm.  Presented by Alan Biggs this program will provide a fun introduction to the higher funghi along with some history, folklore, biology, and ecology of some of our more common Lowcountry mushrooms.  Discover why mushrooms have fascinated humankind for millennia and take home some basic information to help you begin to learn to identify some of the more common edible and poisonous mushrooms.
The program is $7 in person and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223.
The museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island and is open Monday through Saturday from 9-4 and Sunday 11-3.