Hilton Head ~ Overwintering Hummingbirds

Event Details

Overwintering Hummingbirds in the Lowcountry

The Coastal Discovery Museum is hosting Doreen Cubie on March 2 at 2 pm to speak about hummingbirds.  Cubie will talk about her research with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds focusing on her banding study of wintering hummingbirds near Charleston SC.  She will also discuss her research with Rubythroats from Manitoba to British Columbia, where she learned about the northern and western limits of the breeding range of Rubythroats and investigated whether South Carolina’s wintering Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrate to Canada for the summer.
Cubie is a master bird bander, one of only about 400 hummingbird banders in the US and Canada.
Cost is $7 per person and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223.   The museum is located at 70 Honey Horn Drive on Hilton Head Island.