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Hampton County Watermelon Festival

Watermelons are in season and you know what that means… the Watermelon Festival is in town! Yee-haw!

If you are familiar with this event, you know that it is the one time a year you get to devote an entire week to fun, food, and festivities! If you are not familiar with the Watermelon Festival, you should sit down because the excitement and good times can be overwhelming!

2017 marks the 75th Annual Hampton County Watermelon Festival. During this week there are all kinds of events happening, including but not limited to: petting zoos, arts and craft contests, “Taste of Hampton County,” Blue Grass concerts, a street dance, 5K, and my favorite the watermelon eating contest! Free watermelon slices will be given out during certain times of the week and there is even a historic tour of the Old Jail. The week’s dates are  – .

If all this amusement is not enough to get you to come, this year’s theme is “Honoring Our Teachers.” You can take a moment to remember and think back to some of the most influential people in your life while enjoying a cool, refreshing, delicious slice of melon. You can’t lose! Check out the Hampton County website for more information http://www.melonfest.org/ and get down to Hampton today.

Just spit the seeds on the ground… we don’t mind!


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The Lowcountry & Resort Islands Region of South Carolina includes the four, southern-most counties in the state, Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton, and Colleton, which are bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Savannah River and the state of Georgia.

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