Part 2 of the Nationally Recognized Historic District.
The Walterboro National Historic District is characterized by diversity. The buildings in the National Register of Historic Places inventory range from the early nineteenth century when Walterboro was a summer retreat for antebellum planters to Greek Revival homes and late nineteenth century Victorians. Twentieth century Colonial Revivals and bungalows have been beautifully preserved as well. Gothic Revival and Queen Anne churches can also be found in historic Walterboro.
While the first part of the Walterboro National Historic District Tour focused on Wichman and surrounding streets, the second part of the Historic Walterboro Walking Tour will focus on the homes of Hampton, Carn and surrounding streets.

41. The O.T. Canady house at 109 Carn Street was built before 1890. The one-story frame house has prominent front gable with an oversized louvered opening. The veranda has turned Victorian posts and a decorative frieze in the entablature. Brackets enhance the gable. Paired windows flank the doorway, which is complete with transom and sidelights.

42. The Paul Hamilton Fripp House is located at 111 South Walter Street. Built in 1848, this house is the oldest of three Greek Revival homes in the neighborhood with similar design. A distinctive Greek key design in the wide entablature is the main focus below the parapet roofline. The symmetrical five-bay façade contains a centered doorway that is surrounded with a transom and sidelights. The veranda is supported by six square pillars with caps and turned balusters.

43. Walterboro City Hall can be found at 242 Hampton Street. This structure was built in the 1930s as a WPA project. It was later remodeled with the addition of a Palladian façade. The portico is supported with four Doric columns on high brick bases. The entablature has a denticulated cornice. Twin curving stairs are sheltered under the portico. The main entrance is centered and has a classic surround with pilasters, a pediment, and a large transom.

44. The Stokes-Smoak House sits at 248 Hampton Street. It is currently used as the City Hall Annex. Built in 1931, this two-story house was once the Camellia Inn. The bungalow style porch continues across the front and along the left side. It has square pillars on brick piers and a wide entablature. Exposed rafters are visible below the rooflines.

45. The Gahagan House is found at 422 Hampton Street. The rambling one-story home was built in 1905. The later addition of a bungalow porch with paneled, tapered posts on brick piers. A hip-roofed dormer has three windows. The porch wraps around both sides of the house. The façade is symmetrical with five bays. The central door has a transom and sidelights.

46. The Walterboro Water Tower can be seen from the corner of Memorial Avenue and Hampton Street. It raises 132 feet high and was made from 100,000 gallons of concrete. The tower was constructed in 1915 for city water storage. The first floor of the building was once used as a city jail. The tower can be seen across the downtown area.

47. The two- story house at 434 Hampton Street was built before 1883 and drastically altered in 1912. The pedimented porticos have rounded windows and paired, paneled square pillars with Ionic capitals. A balustrade surrounds the second level of the portico. A first level porch extends the five-bay façade. Both levels have central doorways complete with transom and sidelights.

48. The Godfrey House is at 445 Hampton Street. This substantial two-story frame house was built before 1905. It has a two-tiered veranda extending across the five-bay façade. Substantial tapered columns set on square brick piers support the lower porch roof while turned colonettes and a balustrade support and secure the second. A wide paneled frieze runs between the two levels. The entrance is framed with a narrow multilight transom and multilight sidelights.

49. The Stokes-Hiott House can be found at 458 Hampton Street. This asymmetrical two-story house was built between 1912 and 1920. The off-center portico has four giant Doric columns supporting the pediment. The main entrance has a louvered fanlight and sidelights. A porte cochere with a sunroom above sits to the right of the house and a first-floor addition is on the left.

50. The Padgett House is located at 461 Hampton Street. It was built in 1905. The one-story frame cottage has a gable roof and exterior end chimneys. A veranda with bracketed turned colonettes and a balustrade runs the length of the façade. The central doorway is surrounded with a transom and sidelights. Paired windows sit on either side of the door. Boxed cornices extend along the eaves of the house and veranda. They are also repeated on the side gables.

51. The Fripp-Hampton House can be found at 474 Hampton Street. This two-story home was built before 1905. The façade has five bays, in the center of which is a large portico supported with giant Ionic columns. The entrance is surrounded by a transom and sidelights and topped with a Georgian broken pediment. A central balcony was added to the second story after 1931.

52. The Jones House can be found at 475 Hampton Street. Built before 1905, the one-story gable roofed cottage has a central pavilion with gingerbread trim. The front porch extends the full length of the house and wraps around the central pavilion. Victorian turned posts and gingerbread brackets complete the porch. The central entrance, as well as the flanking doors have a transom and sidelights.

53. Hampton Street Elementary School is located at 494 Hampton Street. This building was constructed in the 1930s in the Art Moderne style. The school scenes from Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks were filmed here. It is now used as the Colleton Civic Center. Also, this is the location of the graduation scenes in the movie Radio, starring Cuba Gooding, Jr.

54. The Mims-Smith-Spell House at 487 Hampton Street was built before 1905. Originally, the one story, gable roof cottage was a duplicate of 475 Hampton Street. A veranda extends across the front of the house. It is topped with a central pavilion and gable. The veranda has been remodeled in the bungalow style. Square posts on high brick piers support the porch roof. A small gabled addition on the right has a gabled porch as well. Three doors are present on the front of the house. Each is surrounded by a transom and sidelights.

55. The Howell-Fishburne House can be found at 500 Hampton Street. Built around 1920, this two and a half story Colonial Revival house is three bays wide. The central doorway is surrounded by an elliptical tripartite fanlight and sidelights. The front portico, side portico and porte cochere are supported by paired Doric columns. Three large dormers sit in the slope of the roof.

56. The A.V. Glover House is located at 517 Hampton Street. This one-story 1874 frame cottage was home to the Colleton County historian, Miss Beulah Glover. It has a gable roof and shed roofed porch with tapered square posts. The entrance is centered in a three-bay façade. It has a transom and sidelights.

57. The Pearcy House is located at 523 Hampton Street. Built around 1920, this one and a half-story house has a jerkinhead roof and a shed-roofed dormer with three windows on the front slope. Doric columns support the porch, and an iron railing runs along the roof in front. The centered entrance has one sidelight to the right of the door. Double windows flank the door.

58. The Brown-Mitchell-Langley House is at 524 Hampton Street. Built between 1920 and 1930, this two-story frame house has a hipped roof and tripartite dormer. An L-shaped porch dominates the left side of the first level. The shed roof porch is supported by square pillars on brick piers. The railings have turned balusters. The doorway is surrounded by a thin transom and sidelights. A diamond-shaped window is placed to the left of the door.

59. The Terry-Dunwoody-Haws House is at 529 Hampton Street. This home was built prior to 1845. This two-story frame house became known as the “House of Refuge” following the tornado of 1879. Its hipped roof has large centrally located chimneys and is accentuated with a plain box cornice. The flat-roofed one-story front porch has groups of three Victorian turned posts in the outside corners. The main entrance has a transom and sidelights.

60. The Farmer House is located beside the library at 528 Hampton Street. The one-story frame cottage was built on Wichman Street around 1830 and moved to its current location in 1905. White, beaded weatherboard siding covers the exterior. Small wings flank the front porch. Paired windows are placed in the central portion. Porch posts with decorative cross-bracing are a later addition.

61. The bungalow at 601 Hampton Street was built around 1920. The one-story frame house has a gable roof. Double windows are to the right of the plain door and tripartite windows are to the left. The porch is supported with tapered square posts that extend to the left to create a porte cochere.

62. The bungalow at 607 Hampton Street was built in 1931. It is considered the best example of a bungalow type house in Walterboro. The one-story frame house has a pressed tin gable roof and a prominent gabled front porch. It has bracketed, overhanging eaves and square paneled pillars, which are grouped in threes in the corners. The porch gable is covered in wooden shingles and has a central louvered vent. The entrance is surrounded by a tripartite transom and sidelights.

63. The Bellinger-Ackerman House is located at 613 Hampton Street. Built around 1913 this two-story hip roofed frame house has a gabled, two-story pavilion on the right side, with triple windows on each level. A fanlight graces the gable. The front porch has a gabled extension and a porte cochere to the left. The porch is supported by square posts on piers. Cornices with robust brackets run the eaves of the house, porch, and eaves.

64. The Morrall-Marrin-Simmons House is located at 618 Hampton Street. The one-story brick house has a bungalow porch with tapered, square posts on brick piers. The front gabled extension has a central fireplace.

65 .617 Hampton Street was built in 1910. This one-story cottage has a gable roof and veranda across the front. An attached gazebo is on the right. It has imbricated shingle sides and an octagonal roof. The entrance is surrounded by transom and sidelights.

66. The Glover-Sprott-Marvin house is located at 621 Hampton Street. This two -story frame house was built between 1909-1913. A gable is centered on the front slope of the roof with an arched louvered opening. The symmetrical façade has double windows to either side of the door and above. The entrance is topped with a pediment and single window. The entrance is surrounded by transom and sidelights.

67. The Sylvester Guess House is at 628 Hampton Street. This two-story house was built in the early 19th Century. The façade is five bays wide with a central entrance. The entrance is protected under a portico on square posts. A transom tops the door.

68. The Heirs-Ackerman-Skardon House can be found at 625 Hampton Street. Built between 1910 and 1918, this two-story frame house has a one-story bungalow style front porch with tapered square paneled pillars on brick piers grouped in pairs. The symmetrical façade has a central entrance with sidelights and entablature. Tripartite windows flank the entrance. The hipped roof has a dormer centered on the front slope.

69. The bungalow at 629 Hampton Street was built in 1931. The thin gable roof has a low cross gable in front with overhanging bracketed eaves. The veranda is covered by the main roof. Tapered pillars on brick piers support the roof. The entrance is off centered between tripartite windows; the right being a bay window.

70. The two-story home at 701 Hampton Street was built in 1900. Four massive square pillars support the two-story portico. Both levels have central doorways, surrounded by transom and sig-delights. Tripartite windows flank the first level entrance with single windows above. A second-level porch with balustrade is supported between the two central columns.

71. The Price House is located at 707 Hampton Street. This one-story frame cottage was built in 1900. It has a high hipped roof and veranda with slim columns. The symmetrical façade is centered with double doors and a transom. Double windows flank the entrance.

72. The two-story home at 709 Hampton Street was built in 1880. An L-shaped porch extends along the front and left sides of the house. It is topped with a pyramidal tin roof. The porch has squared columns on each level and a balustrade on the second.

73. The two-story frame residence at 715 Hampton Street was built in 1920. The façade is topped with a pedimented front-end gable. Four fluted columns support the first level veranda. One story wings extend on both sides.

74. 719 Carn Street is home to this turn of the century one-story cottage known as the Ulmer House. A center gable with a boxed cornice sits above a porch that extends across the façade. The central entrance is complete with transom and sidelights. Double windows flank the doorway. Squared posts on brick piers were a later addition.

75. 703 Carn Street is home to this 1931 cottage. It has a low-pitched gable roof. A front gable with an elliptical arch protects the entryway. Paired square posts and bracketed eaves support the porch. The door is flanked by sidelights and double windows.

76. The bungalow at 701 Carn Street was built sometime around 1930. The front gable has overhanging, bracketed eaves. The front veranda extends across the façade. The entrance is off-center, between paired windows.

77. 613 Carn street is home to this 1931 cottage. The front gable has an overhang with bracketed eaves and extends to shelter a front porch with squared posts on brick piers.

78. The one-story bungaloid dwelling at 609 Carn Street was built around 1930. It has a gabled roof and two chimneys. The off-centered porch has tapered square posts on brick piers.

79. The Loper House can be found at 605 Carn Street. This one-story cottage was built around 1915. The symmetrical façade has five bays. A gable is centered over the entrance. Victorian turned posts and pierced brackets support the veranda. A balustrade surrounds the veranda. The doorway is complete with transom and sidelights.

80. The home at 429 Carn Street was built between 1912 and 1920. This one-story frame house has an L-shaped porch under the left corner of the hipped roof. The central entrance is surrounded by transom and sidelights. A bungalow style dormer is centered on the front slope of the roof.

81. This one-story frame cottage can be found at 418 Carn Street. It was built between 1912 and 1920. A wide front gable dominated the front roofline. The symmetrical façade has five bays. The central entrance has a transom and sidelights. Paired square posts support the porch roof which is topped with a Chinese Chippendale balustrade. Double windows flank the doorway, and a louvered arch is centered in the front gable.

82. The Sanders-Slotchiver-Grace House is located at 414 Carn Street. This two-story frame bungalow was built between 1916 and 1920. The roof is dominated by a dormer with tripartite windows. The first level porch is supported by tapered squared pillars on brick piers.

83. The Butler House at 229 South Memorial Street was built in 1912. This Victorian cottage is one story, with a gabled roof. A two-bay extension protrudes from the left side. A shed roof front porch is supported by turned and bracketed posts. Turned balusters complete the porch. The doorway is completed with transom and sidelights. The property also contains an old servant’s cottage in the rear.

84-85. The Wichman-Strobel House is located at 238 South Memorial Street. Its twin, the Wichman-Padgett House is just next door at 226 South Memorial Street. They are five bays wide with a parapet roofline. A flat-roofed piazza extends across the front façade. Greek key designs dominate the wide entablatures present across the roofline and piazza. Squared posts and turned balusters support and secure the piazza.

86. The McMillan House at 309 South Memorial Street, was built before 1905. The gabled extension on the right has a bay window and pediment. The pediment is decorated with a pendant with scalloped braces. A porch extends along the right side of the extension and across the front of the house. The porch has Victorian turned posts with pierced brackets and a balustrade. The front door and French windows are topped with transoms. A bracketed cornice continues around the house.

87. 403 South Memorial Street is home to the Durant-Padgett House. Built in 1904, this Victorian cottage has an asymmetrical shape. A gabled, semi-octagonal extension is seen to the left of the front entrance and a gabled extension is on the right side. A large front porch travels the length of the façade and wraps around both sides. Victorian turned posts with pierced brackets and a balustrade complete the porch. The entrance has a multilight transom and sidelights.

88. 203 Black Street is home to this one-story bungalow. Built between 1905 and 1912, this house has five bays. A veranda stretches across the front façade. The main doorway has a transom and sidelights. A right extension and dormer were added after 1931. Tapered square pillars on brick piers were also added.

89. Built around 1891, this one-story frame house sits at 221 Black Street. The symmetrical façade has five bays with a central gable on the slope of the roof. A shed-roofed veranda wraps around the front and sides of the house. Victorian turned posts, pierced brackets support the veranda, and a band of pierced decoration sits below the cornice and gables. A bracketed cornice continues around the house.

90. The Morrall-Cummings-Loper-Goodwin House can be found at 307 Black Street. This single-story frame cottage was built sometime between 1891 and 1905. The L-shaped design has a gabled extension on the right with a bay window. Another gable is centered in the slope of the roof over the doorway. The veranda extends across the front and along the left side of the house. Victorian posts with pierced brackets support the veranda. A band of pierced work can be found below the cornice. The railing has turned balusters. Bracketed cornice continues around the house and gables. Pierced woodwork details can be found in the upper angle of the gables. The doorway is flanked by multi-light sidelights.

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